Workshops- Special Education

Pathways to Entrepreneurship

Description: The Pathways to Entrepreneurship (P2E) program is designed to spark and cultivate entrepreneurial thinking among middle and high school teachers, with a pedagogical focus on Special Education and Alternative Education. P2E prepares educators to teach the basics of opportunity recognition and business development, to implement experiential entrepreneurship in their classrooms, and to become champions for entrepreneurship education within their districts. The P2E program is supported by the Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities and is offered as a collaborative initiative between the Center for Economic and Entrepreneurship Education (CEEE) at The University of Southern Mississippi and the Mississippi Council on Economic Education.

This online training equips educators to roll out school-based enterprises or to generate similar work-based learning experiences. The goal is to help our students apply an entrepreneurial mindset as they discover occupational interests, practice workforce skills, and transition to independence.

This is a 7 hour (approximately) ONLINE ON-DEMAND teacher training.

For: While the content is broadly applicable to all middle and high school teachers, the P2E training has been developed specifically to address the needs of Special Education and Alternative Education teachers. General academic or CTE educators are encouraged instead to complete the Project-Based Entrepreneurship (PBE) program due to the tailored resources of the P2E training.

When: NOW! The workshop is on-demand so you may complete it all at one time or save your progress and return to it later.

Where: ONLINE!

Fee: No registration fee, materials included

Requirements: Web-connected device (e.g., computer, tablet, smartphone)

What’s in it for me?: Free curriculum and 0.7 CEUs. (CEU’s will only be awarded for the first completion of the course).

Contact: 601-974-1325 or

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Stock Market Game

Description: The Mississippi Stock Market Game (SMG) is a simulation of a real market, designed to involve students in the world of finance and investing as a means of helping them learn about how a market economy works. Student teams of 3 to 5 students invest a hypothetical $100,000 in stocks and compete for the best portfolio performance. There are two separate 13-week programs each year; one in the Fall and one in the Spring.

The program is available to all public and private students throughout the state of Mississippi in grades 4 through 12. The program is adaptable for many different classes, including social studies, mathematics, economics, business, technology, gifted, MOD, Special Education, and club activities. Students learn to develop team strategies, make decisions, and become informed about investment and economic terms. They also learn to see the connection between world events and their investments.

In this ONLINE ON-DEMAND teacher training, learn how to implement the SMG in your classroom! (Takes about 5 hours to complete.)

For: 4-12 grade teachers (Required for all teachers that are NEW to SMG!)

When: NOW!

Where: ONLINE!

Fee: No registration fee

Requirements: Must have a desktop, laptop or tablet with internet capability.

What’s in it for me?: Free curriculum and 0.5 CEUs.

Contact: 601-974-1325 or

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